Source code for pykern.pkinspect

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
u"""Helper functions for to :mod:`inspect`.

:copyright: Copyright (c) 2015 RadiaSoft, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Avoid pykern imports so avoid dependency issues for pkconfig
from pykern import pkcollections
import inspect
import os
import os.path
import re
import sys

#: Used to simplify paths output
_start_dir = ''
    _start_dir = os.getcwd()
except Exception:

_VALID_IDENTIFIER_RE = re.compile(r'^[a-z_]\w*$', re.IGNORECASE)

[docs]class Call(pkcollections.Dict): """Saves file:line:name of stack frame and renders as string. Args: frame_or_log (frame or LogRecord): values to extract Attributes: filename (str): full path (co_filename) lineno (int): line number (f_lineno) name (str): function name (co_name) """ def __init__(self, frame_or_log): try: if hasattr(frame_or_log, 'f_code'): super(Call, self).__init__( filename=frame_or_log.f_code.co_filename, lineno=frame_or_log.f_lineno, name=frame_or_log.f_code.co_name, # Only used by caller_module() _module=sys.modules[frame_or_log.f_globals['__name__']], ) else: super(Call, self).__init__( filename=frame_or_log.pathname, lineno=frame_or_log.lineno, name=frame_or_log.funcName, _module=None, ) finally: if frame_or_log: del frame_or_log def __str__(self): try: filename = os.path.relpath(self.filename, _start_dir) if len(filename) > len(self.filename): # "relpath" always makes relative even when no common components. # Take the absolute (shorter) path filename = self.filename return '{}:{}:{}'.format(filename, self.lineno, except Exception: return '<no file>:0:<no func>'
[docs]def caller(ignore_modules=None, exclude_first=True): """Which file:line:func is calling the caller of this function. Will not return the same module as the calling module, that is, will iterate until a new module is found. If `ignore_modules` is defined, will ignore those modules as well. Note: may return __main__ module. Will raise exception if calling from __main__ Args: ignore_modules (list): other modules (objects) to exclude [None] exclude_first (bool): skip first module found [True] Returns: pkcollections.Dict: keys: filename, lineno, name, module """ frame = None try: exclude = [inspect.getmodule(caller)] if ignore_modules: exclude.extend(ignore_modules) exclude_orig_len = len(exclude) # Ugly code, because don't want to bind "frame" # in a call. frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back while True: m = inspect.getmodule(frame) # getmodule doesn't always work for some reason if not m: m = sys.modules[frame.f_globals['__name__']] if m not in exclude: if len(exclude) > exclude_orig_len or not exclude_first: return Call(frame) # Have to go back two exclusions (this module and our caller) exclude.append(m) frame = frame.f_back # Will raise exception if calling from __main__ finally: # If an exception is thrown, the stack # hangs around forever. That's what the del frame # is for. if frame: del frame
[docs]def caller_module(): """Which module is calling the caller of this function. Will not return the same module as the calling module, that is, will iterate until a new module is found. Note: may return __main__ module. Will raise exception if calling from __main__ Returns: module: module which is calling module """ return caller()._module
[docs]def is_caller_main(): """Is the caller's calling module __main__? Returns: bool: True if calling module was called by __main__. """ return caller_module().__name__ == '__main__'
[docs]def is_valid_identifier(string): """Is this a valid Python identifier? Args: string (str): what to validate Returns: bool: True if is valid python ident. """ return bool(
[docs]def module_basename(obj): """Parse the last part of a module name For example, module_basename(pkinspect) is 'pkinspect'. Args: obj (object): any python object Returns: str: base part of the module name """ return module_name_split(obj).pop()
[docs]def module_name_join(names): """Joins names with '.' Args: names (iterable): list of strings to join Returns: str: module name """ return '.'.join(names)
[docs]def module_name_split(obj): """Splits obj's module name on '.' Args: obj (object): any python object Returns: str: base part of the module name """ n = inspect.getmodule(obj).__name__ return n.split('.');
[docs]def root_package(obj): """Parse the root package in which `obj` is defined. For example, root_package(module_basename) is 'pykern'. Args: obj (object): any python object Returns: str: root package for the object """ return module_name_split(obj).pop(0)
[docs]def submodule_name(obj): """Remove the root package in which `obj` is defined. For example, root_package(module_basename) is 'pkinspect'. Args: obj (object): any python object Returns: str: submodule for the object """ x = module_name_split(obj) x.pop(0) return module_name_join(x)
[docs]def this_module(): """Module object for caller Returns: module: module object """ return caller(exclude_first=False)._module