Source code for pykern.pkyaml

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
u"""Wrapper for :mod:`yaml`

:copyright: Copyright (c) 2015 RadiaSoft LLC.  All Rights Reserved.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from pykern import pkcollections
from pykern import pkcompat
from pykern import pkinspect
from pykern import pkio
from pykern import pkresource
import py
import yaml

[docs]def load_file(filename): """Read a file, making sure all keys and values are locale. Args: filename (str): file to read (Note: ``.yml`` will not be appended) Returns: object: `pkcollections.Dict` or list """ return load_str(pkio.read_text(filename))
[docs]def load_resource(basename): """Read a resource, making sure all keys and values are locale Args: basename (str): file to read without yml suffix Returns: object: `pkcollections.Dict` or list """ return load_file( pkresource.filename(basename + '.yml', pkinspect.caller_module()))
[docs]def load_str(value): """Read a value, making sure all keys and values are locale. Args: value (str): string to parse Returns: object: `pkcollections.Dict` or list """ return _fixup(yaml.load(value))
def _fixup(obj): """Convert all objects to locale strings""" if isinstance(obj, dict): res = pkcollections.Dict() for k in obj: res[pkcompat.locale_str(k)] = _fixup(obj[k]) return res if isinstance(obj, list): res = [] for v in obj: res.append(_fixup(v)) return res if type(obj) == bytes or type(obj) == str and hasattr(obj, 'decode'): return pkcompat.locale_str(obj) return obj